Let the Games Begin…In the Midst of a Pandemic

Sport is important, but not the arts?

Edwina Toulmin
5 min readAug 1, 2021
Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

It’s not original to question the wisdom of holding the Olympics in Japan right now. Most Japanese vigorously protested in the lead up to the opening ceremony, as Covid case numbers escalated. Many commentators suggested the Games should be postponed again, or simply cancelled. There are now at least 220 Covid cases linked to the Olympics in Tokyo.

‘Oh, but at times like these, people need something cheerful to keep their minds off the pandemic.’

Well, sure, but why does it have to be sport?

First, a confession: I am NOT a sport fan. Apart from a half-hearted attempt at tennis when I was young because Mum made me, and some not-so-defensive wing defence in school netball, I have never participated in organised sport. I was always the kid sitting out school sport because ‘I have a bad tummy’ or, ‘I’ve got my rags’ and even once, ‘we’re having our floorboards polished and I couldn’t find my gym bag’. Sport is just not my thing.

I also object to sport being reported in the news. Sport is not news. Floods, famines, war and peace negotiations are news. Covid is news. Sport is people (often) being paid offensively high salaries for kicking a bit of cowhide across a lawn.



Edwina Toulmin

Psychology Student-Writer-Wanderer-Cook-Infinitive Splitter-Oversharer-Eternally Bleeding Heart-Consumer of Far Too Many ‘Bubbles’